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QUANTUM HEALING ARTS INTERNATIONALENGLISH PUBLICATIONSRepublic of Korea: Director-General Joins Closure of Yeosu Expo on Oceans


 11.08.2012 22:12

Republic of Korea: Director-General Joins Closure of Yeosu Expo on Oceans


11.08.2012 - ODG

Republic of Korea: Director-General Joins Closure of Yeosu Expo on Oceans

UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova will participate in the Yeosu Declaration Forum and the Closing Ceremony of the Yeosu Expo on “The Living Ocean Coast” on 12 August, alongside the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea Mr Kim Hwang-sik.

She will join a high-level panel on how to translate the spirit of the Yeosu Declaration into concrete actions with the Prime Minister of Tuvalu, the Deputy Executive Director of UNEP, the heads of FAO, the International Maritime Organization, the Global Ocean Forum and the Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology. The Yeosu Declaration is intended to enhance awareness of dangers faced by the oceans and to promote their sustainable development through reinforced international cooperation.

During her visit, the Director-General will meet with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea. She will also travel to Gunnae Elementary School, located within the Civilian Control Line, to present the ASPnet certificate and discuss peace education with students and teachers. She will also give the Miwon Lecture at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, on the theme of UNESCO’s role in promoting peace and sustainable development.

Дата: 11.08.2012 22:12 (Прочтено: 1048)
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