![New Ascension Plan - New Light Codes programming (Nouveau plan d'ascension) (Cosmo-GenesIS) Cosmo-GenesIS](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s176&MediaName=CosmoGenesIS.png&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150) New Ascension Plan directly connected with New light programming codes in our brain-settings. From the Original times, light 'Star-Beings' were visiting our Planet, during special period of time, especially for this Cosmic Mission. Being trained in multiple Stella realities, they quite easy can attune on the waves and frequencies of their home life dimensions. ... More...
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![Spiritual Resonance Project (Water Effect in contact with the stone) Water Effect in cont…](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s163&MediaName=resonance.jpg&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150) Spiritual Resonance Project is a continuation of 'Advanced Mind Technologies Projects' via Resonance Science Foundation. The Main focus of the Project is the Nature of Consciousness and 'Super-NAtural States of Mind' = ( Effects via Deep Connection with the Mother Nature Spirit's Attunement)...We concentrate on Deep Researching of 'Resonance Effects' ... More...
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![SPACE WEATHER LIVE ( Solar STORMING AND Elcetro-Magentic VORTEXIES) (Solar Energy Vortex) Solar Energy Vortex](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s186&MediaName=SolarEnergyVortex.jpg&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150) Solar Storm Now very Active. It takes a few days for the Coronal Mass Ejection (up to 10 billion tonnes of plasma) that is released with a Solar Flare to reach Earth, as it is so dense and heavy, which is why it has taken until today for the "active" Geomagnetic Storm status to be reached.However, the energy from a Solar Flare, which is bright and light and slightly different, ... More...
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![Cosmic Nirvana Networks ( CNN) - ‘Providing New Algorithms’…](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s197&MediaName=PleiadianAgenda.jpg.mlnk&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150) Our Universal All-Embracive Consciousness capable to co-create in one unity-streaming with the most Cosmo-Intelligent and Celestial ‘Spheres’ , supporting the luminous codes of love, prosperity and deep inner peace. It is expansion on the new stage of evolution, in solution and prospectives for the Global Planetary ‘Cosmic Nirvana Networks’ (CNN)…‘Celestial ... More...
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![Winter SOLSTICE STAR-GATES ( Spiritual Attunement)](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s196&MediaName=WinterSolsticeMeditation.jpg&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150) Next week the annual 12:12 – 12:21 Gateway opens to the Great Central Sun at the galactic center, which is located at 26-27 degrees Sagittarius. This year is a ’12’and ‘3’ year (add 2019) that culminates with an amplified 12:12:12 Gateway. 12:12 is a sacred symbol and Ascension code that activates the divine crystalline 12 Strand DNA. Wrapped within ... More...
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![Everything Is Focus- Time SPACE REALITY!!! (Bio-Photoic Illuminations) Bio-Photoic Illuminations](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s195&MediaName=biophotons.png.mlnk&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150)
“Things are as real as you focus them to be. Everything is as you focus it to be. The power of your mind is so much more than you know! You are able to focus other than the traditional way. And as you do this, your world and those close to you, are experiencing the influence of this vibrational stance. More...
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![The Holographic Vision of the Universe. (Based on the Book: 'The Holographic Universe', by Michel Talbot)...](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s144&MediaName=SPiritualEvolution.jpg&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150) The New Earth Sphere will be formed on the holographic model of the Universe. It will be an Integral Theory of Everything. This will be the breakthrough in science which will lead the rest of the world to this new understanding that we are indeed all one.
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![Autumnal EQUINOX Celebration 2019 ~ Cosmic Libra StarGates!!! (Autumnal EQUINOX StarGATES) Autumnal EQUINOX StarGATES](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s194&MediaName=AutumnalEQUINOX.png&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150) On Monday, September 23rd the Equinox arrives at 0 degree Libra, opening a stargate portal in zero point energy while day and night are equal length. It is the balance point between opposing forces. We can expect unusually powerful solar waves while the Equinox Gateway is open. In a rare moment of galactic equilibrium, the gate is opening to infinite potential. ... More...
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![Mastering Co-Creation in Divine Consciousness!](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s193&MediaName=rounded_corners.jpg.mlnk&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150) The global process to restore the Universal identity of Humankind, reveals the clarity to understand the basic concepts of the Human existence on Mother Earth.
The Universe is a Massive Brain Quantum connected interdimensionally, through a synapse of Cosmic electromagnetic Impulses, Thoughts, Energies, Frequencies and Vibrations.
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THE INNER CAUSES OF GRAVITY (Cosmic Principles of Fohat) (Universal Alchemical Formulas) Universal Alchemical Formulas](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s192&MediaName=holographicbeing.jpg.mlnk&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150) While Modern Science is content to look at gravity from the outside according to its visible and physically measurable effects, Occult Science understands the nature of the forces of nature - gravity, light, heat, electricity, and others - from the inside. These causes are real according to the Esoteric Philosophy but are generally an abstraction at ... More...
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![Biophotons: The Light in Our Cells - Cosmic DNA Activation! (Bio-Photonic Illumination) Bio-Photonic Illumination](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s191&MediaName=biophotons.png&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150) The Human Body Emits and Communicates with Biophotons- Biophotons are very weak electromagnetic waves of light. All living cells of plants, animals, human and in other natural elements beings emit biophotons, which cannot be seen by the naked eye, but can be measured by special tools. They form the so-called aura, a bioenergy field that encircles all living organisms, ... More...
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![12 Strands of DNA - Our Spiritual Heritage -by Kate Spreckley](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s190&MediaName=12DNA.png&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150) For years science has recognized that we have two active physical strands of DNA. We also have a further ten energetic DNA strands which have been dormant within the Human Being for many centuries. These dormant strands of DNA have been discovered by scientists, who not knowing the function of these strands, have identified them as ‘junk’ DNA. More...
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![New Transformations in Modern Science. ( Light in Its Spiritual Essence)](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s189&MediaName=SpiralofLight.png&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150) Modern Science has made remarkable strides and contributions towards the understanding of the physical departments of nature. With every advancing discovery in physics, astronomy, physiology, biology, and chemistry, there is not only a paradigm shift in theory, but a profound change in the scientific view of reality. Modern Science is necessarily metaphysical as an effect, if not by intent. More...
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![Twin FLAMES - COSMIC DNA ACTIVATION!](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s188&MediaName=TwinFLAMES.png&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150) "Twin SOULS' - is a 'symbolic name' for Spiritual Unions on Metaphysical Levels. 'Twin SOULS' have many polarities and can participate not just in One 'Alliance'. All depends on their Individual Missions! It is about a Deep Inner Re-Union, Strong Connection, Spiritual WISDOM, Cosmic DNA and Universal 'DATA' Exchange, on the level of healing luminous ... More...
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![Mind-Body-Spirit Connection, True Identity, Breathe Your Common Sense, Be Light in Light! (Pleiadian Agenda) Pleiadian Agenda](media.php?name=English&MediaOp=show&idMediaAss=s187&MediaName=PleiadianAgenda.jpg&MediaNum=01&ImgWs=150&ImgHs=150) Within your spirit, the deepest part of yourself, a core identity exists that you must learn to access. The territory may appear to be a dark night of the soul where you will have to really examine this lifetime and the full retinue of your emotions. Perhaps other lifetimes will be included as well.As the lines of time open and you claim your psychic inheritance, ... More...
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