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QUANTUM HEALING ARTS INTERNATIONALENGLISH PUBLICATIONSNew Ascension Plan - New Light Codes programming (Nouveau plan d"ascension)


 25.10.2023 02:43

New Ascension Plan - New Light Codes programming (Nouveau plan d"ascension)

Cosmic Attunement
 New Ascension Plan, New Light Codes programming, Nouveau plan d"ascension, Original Timing, Zep-Tepi Cosmic Mystery, Ancient Egypt, Prana Source, Alchemical Elixir, New Huma Design, Divine Matrix Connection, Universal Grid, Siddhi Powers, Deep Love Exchange, Elixir De Vie, Healing VIBES, Quantum Chi programs, Solar Attunement, New Earth Holograms, Celestial Nirvana Network

New Ascension Plan - New Light Codes programming :

(Nouveau plan d'ascension)

New Ascension Plan directly connected with New light programming codes in our brain-settings. From the Original times, light 'Star-Beings' were visiting our Planet, during special period of time, especially for this Cosmic Mission. Being trained in multiple Stella realities, they quite easy can attune on the waves and frequencies of their home life dimensions. Their DNA Coding is 'encrypted' with this Specially Designed IT codes ( Intergalactic Technologies), top level Supramental Access into the Fields of Universal Possibilities, located in Time-Free-Universal Continuum...

The main Prevailing element of these Supreme Vitalizing Dimensions is pure extracts of COSMIC Prana Resources: special alchemical elixir of Universal All-Embrasive LOVE healing VIBES...This Alchemical 'Elixir De Vie' was Created in the Universal Laboratory of Substantial Development, the Dimension of Original Blueprints ( COSMIC Archetypes)...



The Alchemical Elixir of Immortality, as a fundamental element of All living Nature, expanded by the Entire Universe! The Ancient Egyptian Sages knew that Deeply well, and were totally Initiated ( Connected) with This UNIVERSAL Source! It was the Great Timing of Zep Tepi ( Original Timing, synchronized with Celestial SPHERES of Universal Expansion), later this Original Timing was 'disconnected' from these Supreme Universal Dimensions, and life circles took absolutely different algorithms...

Human lifespan became more 'densificated' and it was directly 'reflected' on the General Programs of Longevity for All life forms...

The Time has come for the New Great Transformation and Ascension Program, which include New light language UNIVERSAL level programming!

New Activated Elements 'downloaded' from Celestial SPHERES: the Element of Quantum FOHATUM ( rejuvenating powers- the Element of Inner Fire, Life PASSION FORCE), the Element of Substantial Matter ( liquid based alchemical substance In our bodies, with high level of Oxygen), the Element of All Embracing PRANA Source ( The Alchemical Elixir of Inner ReVitalization, via Deep Meditations, Breathing technologies and Cosmic Attunements), and one of the Most Powerful Alchemical Elements of Eternal Immortality is 'Inner Central SUN' Activation: this Element, in Deep Attunement with High Universal VIBES of All-penetrating Loving frequencies, can create Absolutely REAL MIRACLES on all levels of Creation...

This is just a Starter of this Super Nova list of COSMIC Extraterrestrial 'Elements' ( life Energy Powers -SIDDHI FORCES, very well known to all Siddhi-Zen-Masters from the Original Timing Continuum), who nowadays descended into a down-based 3D reality ( physical matter: diapason of frequencies from infra-red up to ultra-violet colors), and participating in general human evolution for the benefit of the New Cosmic Ascension: specially designed Siddhi Level Universal program for the New Human Design Activation. This 'program' was 'developed' by Top level 'Programmists' (Universal Super-Natural Forces) of Inter-Stella Consciousness, responsible for our successful transition into the New Life Dimensions for 'DEEP LOVE Exchange' in the Laboratory of Life via Creative Projects' and its Expansions' @ with the Most Beneficial and Successful results for the Entire Civilization, including our Personal 'Ascension Plan' for the Future Intergalactic UNIVERSAL 'Cosmo-Genesis'...

Alchemical 'Elixir De Vie' - the Source of Pure FOHÅTUM ( Universal Quantum Chi, All-embracive Healing VIBES) is feeding and nourishing us from Inside, every time when we are getting access into This Supra-Intelligent Natural Element, connected with Our Solar Deity ( Helios, RA) and Its multi-dimensional expansions and Stella connections...and This Celestial CRYSTALLINE grid covers the Entire UNIVERSE - like a New Universal Hologram: the Hologram of New Earth and New Heavens (Cosmo-Genetic Observatory of the Creators)...

Let the Mystery of the Golden Prosperous TIMING become the New 'baseground' ( Universal Cosmogramming) for the Grand Le Future Universelle, AUM LUMINOUS ASCENDING,

NOUVELLE Voyage De La Vie @ Cosmique SPIRITUELLE -Universal ALLIANCE of Enlightened Powers inside of 'CNN' ( Celestial Nirvana Network)


Дата: 25.10.2023 02:43 (Прочтено: 1039)
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