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 17.04.2019 12:28


 LEGACY OF LIGHT, Oracle Cards, Cosmic Astrology, Spiritual Growth, Holistic Healing, spiritual ancestry, Cosmic DNA


You are being asked to honour the legacy of light that is your sacred birthright. Take nourishment and support from those that have come before you - your ancestral lines not only in blood but also in spirit. Perhaps these are the beings that have inspired and motivated you to live as a sacred rebel, from your heart and with belief in yourself. The more you are nourished by this legacy of light from your past, the more you become a bearer of the legacy for those that will be supported by your light in the future. This is a sacred endowment from the great universal source of light to humanity. It is the light of wisdom, creativity, radical courage, love and respect that is passed down from the heart of each generation to the next. The legacy of light is your spiritual birthright to refine and shine your essence in to the world... to be like a sun, radiant and unapologetic of your nature.

The oracle of Legacy of Light comes to you when you need confirmation that a creative choice you are making, or have made, or soon will make, is one that is in alignment with your sacred purpose and spiritual path of healing and growth. The legacy of light cannot be ignored without some detriment to your sense of wellbeing. If you were asking about a particular questions and drew this card, the part of the answer to your question is that the issue at hand is one of utmost importance to your spiritual growth - even if it seemed like a relatively insignificant question. The energy around the matter is relevant to your sacred birthright to shine. Perhaps you need to trust more, to know that all is well, no matter what appears to be, and to ask for help, and believe that you deserve to receive it.

The legacy of light also asks you to call on the unconditionally loving support that exists for you, every day. This light will offer you all manner of assistance. To not call upon it is like starving because you believe you have no means to acquire food, whilst a feast lays before your eyes - if only you would partake of it! Perhaps you worry that you are asking too much of those who wish to assist you. However, this is a mistaken belief. Those beings of unconditional love who assist us spiritually each day need to shine just as we do. When they are embraced for their purpose - to assist with the spiritual growth of humanity through unconditional love - they too become a part of the legacy of light, shining bright with love and helping to illuminate the world. Although you may doubt your goddess at times - and being human does mean there will be some very dark moments on your path - this oracle affirms that you are coming from love, with the pure intention to simply live your life and do your best in the circumstances in which you find yourself. You are being asked to avail yourself of the help that is awaiting your request so that your own light can become a part of greater shining legacy of divine brilliance made manifest upon the earth.

This oracle is also guiding you to something in your family history or spiritual ancestry that is relevant to you now. Your spiritual ancestry can be recognised through the traditions and cultures you are intrigued by and interested in. They do not have to be the same as the spiritual traditions that you were raised with in this lifetime, although they may be. The influence of your family history and/or spiritual tradition may be encouraging and constructive but it may also be holding you back. Sometimes we unintentionally absorb the hidden fears of our parents or our religious upbringing, such as the belief that dreams cannot manifest or that we have to compromise to the point of losing what makes us feel truly alive. If you can relate to this or want healing just in case it is happening beyond the level of your conscious awareness, simply complete the healing process below.

If you are involved in a group project, this oracle is asking you to stay true to the heart of why you began working together in the first place and to seek assistance, protection and guidance from a source that loves all of you unconditionally. You can do this through the healing process below.

Finally, if you need a jolt to recognise that you are a creative being, entitled to explore your ingenuity - perhaps to taking a class or pursuing your own artistic interests at home - then this oracle brings the particular guidance that "Yes, this is a part of your life path," and you are encouraged to take it further.

You are also acknowledged through this oracle as having some special creative and healing offering to make to the world in this lifetime. You will leave a legacy of light for the greater good upon this planet and you will be lovingly supported in many ways by the great creative universal intelligence when you ask for help. If you don't know how to do that, just complete the healing process below.


healinglight2 LegacyofLight

Дата: 17.04.2019 12:28 (Прочтено: 561)
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