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QUANTUM HEALING ARTS INTERNATIONALENGLISH PUBLICATIONSThe Humanity Healing Community presents a New Cosmic Edition of "the Secrets of Divine Matrix"


 29.07.2012 04:09

The Humanity Healing Community presents a New Cosmic Edition of "the Secrets of Divine Matrix"


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The Secret of Divine Matrix' , by Ana-Stasi Fennell will open for you lots of new dimensions in comprehension of yourself and self-healing practice.




‘You suppose you are the trouble. But you are the cure. You suppose that you are the lock

on the door. But you are the key that opens it.’ – Rumi

Throughout the writing of the First Part of ‘Quantum Science of Light and Inner Transformation’ I have been guided by LightSpirit to share the information, wisdom and guidance that I have personally gained through my own process of healing, growth and development. All of my work is directed by Spirit. All the information I am guided to write is my own interpretation of the energies that are affecting the world at this time. The purpose of this book is to share wisdom and to support and guide those who wish to heal, awaken their hearts and reconnect with the Spiritual aspect of all of life.

Staying on The Spiritual Path

Now more than ever it is hard to follow your inner teachings and knowingness of what your Divine light heralds. The chaos of the world around us seems to say ever more and more that our light is not reaching the deep conclaves of humankind's hearts and minds, yet in reality the human race is changing and growing more sensitive to what the inner truth and light holds.

Sometimes we must swing all the way to the farthest end of one spectrum before we are thrown forward into a new milestone. This is the process now happening on a grand scale. Like a rubber band that must be loosed because it can stretch no farther, so are the hearts and minds of the many beings on earth at this time.

Due to the tension that the great cosmic currents are presenting, many of you have felt abandoned or lost by what you believe. The waves of energy currents moving through the Earth plane and her solar system are profoundly powerful and yet awkward all at once. Like children learning to swim, it is a new momentum and activity that demands your attention and awareness in order to expand.

Since the beginning of time there has always been opportunities of expansion that could lead to a full integration of knowledge and awareness for the seekers of the light. Not until now was it available in one turn of the wheel or century of time. To ascend the limitations of the human body is an extreme feat indeed and is often only accomplished through many lifetimes of death and rebirths. To be able to achieve this feat and still remain in the physical is available to all those who have the determination and stamina to do so.

The tests are coming more swiftly as the journey accelerates and we are asked to move beyond the common approaches to existence. Though for many, meditation may seem a meaningless exercise, it is indeed the exquisite jewel that emanates powerful energy and light on a massive basis.

It is time to reactivate the Holy Flames of light within you and our Planet Earth. Call to The Emerald Flame of the Goddess Hathor, The Azure Blue Flame of Ma’at and the Violet Flame of Isis. Call to the Holy Flame of light within that you are. Call to the Ascension and Transcension flames, The Threefold Flame of the Heart of Divine Cosmic Mother Sophia-Sothis –Esodus and Alpha and Omega of all life.

Visualize these flames as you call them forth and connect to the Golden Source of Fohat (Luminous Quantum Healing energy of Divine Matrix) to enfold you in this Golden Flame and ask Goddess Isis to assist you with Her Opalescence.

Create Lightpayers with Light Formulas and Divine Names of Neferus.

1) Stellar connection with Sirius System.


Sirius –Sothis –USMALOS-Esodus


ISIS-Neferus-Benedictus! AUM RA!

The Wisdom of a Spirituality-Based Science


During the last years of the Cold War, I had a front row seat as a senior systems designer in the defense industry to one of the most frightening times in the history of the world, and the thinking that led to it. During the last years of the most potentially lethal, yet undeclared, war in human history, the superpowers of the United States and the former Soviet Union did something that seems unthinkable to any rationally minded person today. They spent the time, energy, and human resources to develop and stockpile somewhere in the neighborhood of 65,000nuclear weapons — a combined arsenal with the power to microwave the Earth, and everything on it, many times over.

The rationale for such an extreme effort stems from a way of thinking that has dominated much of the modern world for the last 300 years or so, since the beginning of the scientific era. It's based in the false assumptions of scientific thinking that suggest we're somehow separate from the Earth, separate from one another, and that the nature that gives us life is based upon relentless struggle and survival of the strongest. Fortunately, new discoveries have revealed that each of these assumptions is absolutely false. Unfortunately, however, there is a reluctance to reflect such new discoveries in mainstream media, traditional classrooms and conventional textbooks. In other words, we're still teaching our young people the false assumptions of an obsolete way of thinking based on struggle, competition, and war.

While we no longer face the nuclear threat that we did in the 1980s, the thinking that made the Cold War possible is still in place. This fact is vital to us all right now for one simple reason: For the first time in human history the future of our entire species rests upon the choices of a single generation — us — and the choices are being made within a small window of time—now. The best minds of our time are telling us that we must act quickly to avert the clear and present danger of a host of new crises that are converging in a "bottleneck" of time covering the first years of the 21st Century.

The journal Scientific American released a special edition (vol. 293, no. 3, September 2005) to bring the world up to speed on the critical situation we find ourselves in today. The title, "Crossroads for Planet Earth," says it all. The way we solve the simultaneous crises — such as our response to climate change, the unsustainable and growing levels of extreme poverty, the emergence of new diseases, the growing shortages of food and fresh drinking water, the growing chasm between extreme wealth and extreme poverty, and the unsustainable demand for energy—will chart the destiny, or seal the fate of our global family that is estimated to reach a staggering 8 billion by 2025.

The key here is that the way we address the greatest crises of human history is based on the way we think of ourselves and the world. Clearly, the thinking that led to the war and suffering of the 20th century is not the thinking that we want the delicate choices of our survival based upon!

Developing a new level of thinking is precisely what we need to do today, and the magnitude of crises that face us may prove to be the catalyst for doing just that! The emerging bridge between the sciences that tell us how the universe works, and the spiritual traditions that give such knowledge meaning in our lives, plays a vital role in the new thinking that heads off the darkest possibilities of our future. But while the crises of the moment may be the catalyst for such a shift in thinking, something even deeper is emerging.

The new shift in thinking is the gateway to human transformation. And because of the sheer number of people involved in the shift, and the growing magnitude of the crises that are driving us to change the way we think, we are standing on the threshold of human transformation at a level unlike anything ever before known on Earth.

The spiritual traditions that I'm describing are the core principles of ancient and time-tested understandings — principles now confirmed by 20th century science that include the interconnected nature of all things, the power of the human heart to positively influence the magnetic fields of the earth and all life, and the cyclic nature of life, climate, civilization and change. The spiritual traditions of our ancestors got these principles right and embodied them at the core of their lives in their time. It's the marriage of these holistic principles with the best science of today that helps us to tip the scales of life, balance, and peace in our favor.

While the specifics of spiritual principles may vary from tradition to tradition, the essence of their message does not. It's simple, direct and states that we live in a world where everything has meaning, and is meaningful to everything else. What happens in the oceans has meaning for the climate of the mountains. What happens in a river has meaning for the life that depends upon the river. The choices that you and I make as we express our beliefs in our living rooms and around family dinner tables have meaning for the people in our immediate lives, as well as for those connected through the coherence fields of the human heart living halfway around the Earth.

By crossing the traditional boundaries that define the science, religion, and the history of our past, we are shown the power of a larger, integrated, and holistic worldview. I cannot help but believe that our destiny and fate as a species are intimately entwined with our willingness to accept the Deep Wisdom of a spiritually based science. It's all about the way we think of ourselves, our relationship to the Earth and to one another. When the facts become clear, our choices become obvious.

The Human Light Body

Note: The following information perfectly aligns with the transformation that results from working with Unified Field therapy healing techniques pioneered by Meg Benedicte, the key is in learning to master quantum vortex to keep it spinning 24/7 to get to the higher frequency states of gamma and theta waves where Light energy actually begins to transform and transmute matter. When your light body is activated you can also command your Oversoul to send down your Divine Human blueprint containing the DNA activation codes to begin the transformation process.


For years science has recognized that we have two active physical strands of DNA. We also have a further ten energetic DNA strands which have been dormant within the Human Being for many centuries. These dormant strands of DNA have been discovered by scientists, who not knowing the function of these strands, have identified them as ‘junk’ DNA.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains all the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living things. The main role of DNA is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints since it contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells. The DNA segments that carry genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes or are involved in regulating the use of genetic information.

Our DNA is therefore our personal blueprint and as such contains all our mental, physical, emotional and Spiritual information.

The original Human Being had 12 Strands of DNA actively working and maintaining the full function of the Human as a Spiritual Being. With our over preoccupation with left brained thinking and the closing down of our heart centers, these ‘extra’ DNA strands have been lost. The consequences of this loss are that we live in a spiritually deficient society and our intuitive and healing abilities have been hugely reduced. It has also resulted in us only accessing and using a very small part of our brains.

The human body is the most valuable thing we will ever own. It stores and holds a wealth of information, wisdom and knowledge on every aspect of ourselves, our world and all of life. Combinations of intelligence are stored within the Human and a great amount of data is stored inside the body. Inside our bodies are the formulas required to replicate other forms of intelligence throughout the Universe.

At conception, we receive, from our two different bloodlines (our parents) certain matched and paired recessive genes. These genes hold light codes that give us the highest opportunity for accessing and developing our Spiritual abilities and for healing the damaged and wounded aspects of our Soul.

At the same time these genes hold memories which have created blocks to our path to oneness and initiated our deep-rooted feelings of separation, separation from our true essence and our Creator. This memory of separation has forced us to created experiences and situations where we are given the opportunity to heal ourselves, our world and our separations.

As a Soul we carefully picked and chose our parents and their bloodlines in order to facilitate experiences and situations that will enable us to heal ourselves. We have therefore handpicked our own DNA structures and the possible opportunities to activate and awaken further strands of DNA.

The energy of our Earth is moving through major vibrational shifts and into higher levels of consciousness. As the Earth raises Her vibration, we as Human Beings are being given many opportunities to raise our vibration. This shift is being referred to as the Ascension and there are many people around the world who are experiencing confusion and chaos in their worlds. Yet in this seeming chaos and confusion lie great opportunities for us to grow, expand and evolve.

One of the most exciting aspects of our evolutionary process is the retooling of our DNA. Cosmic light encoded rays from our Creator have been coming into our Earth stimulating change and reordering our Human bodies. As the light encoded filaments are absorbed into our being our scattered DNA is being activated and reformed into new helixes or strands of DNA and being reordered into bundles.

As this rebundling and reordering progresses we create a more evolved nervous system that facilitates new information and data to move into our consciousness. Many of our dormant brain cells are being awoken and we are being able to access our full body potential. As our bodies fill with more light so our memories are opened and we evolve as our DNA evolves into conscious Multidimensional Beings.

Our 12 strands of DNA activate and connect to our 12 Chakra points, energy doorways through which we access our Spiritual heritage. The 12 strands of DNA serve as links through the 12 chakras to the energy web outside of our bodies. The 12 chakras act as energetic doorways into our body connecting us to the vital forces of existence. It is through opening and activating these portals of energy that we can begin to truly know ourselves.

As all 12 strands of DNA are now forming, whatever issues we have not dealt with and peacefully cleared in our personal history, will create chaos. Feelings and memories are emerging offering us an opportunity to experience the fabric of our being and revealing who we are through the events and beliefs that are intricately woven into us.

Our task is to awaken, activate and unite all 12 creating the spinning of the 12. This spinning of the 12 strands of DNA and 12 chakra points will draw to us energies that will intermingle and move throughout our beings activating and awakening the many different aspects of ourselves. This will trigger new versions, understandings and meanings to all the events in our lives and our world.

Our 12 chakras are collections of energy where events can emerge. They hold memory and identity and each corresponds to a strand of DNA. These 12 energy centers must be accessed from within where we can feel the data corresponding with and translating our experiences within the context of our minds.

By opening our hearts and minds all the answers to the great mysteries will be found within. We are required to step out of our current belief systems and to create new belief systems as the mind is structured to evolve and form our experiences based on what we command. Our mind is not our master; we are the masters of our own minds. The mind is but a tool to be used to create reality and nothing more.

By consciously working with the waves of energy and light moving into our Earth, we are able to realize and understand that the transformation of this planet is based upon the healing and power of our minds.

Activating the full 12 DNA strands will create a connection between our human genetic coding and give us access to all knowledge and wisdom. This is the awareness and understanding of who we truly are.

In activating all 12 strands of DNA we create an alignment within ourselves allowing us to gently shift into much higher vibrational levels and frequency of light, helping our ascension process by further awakening our human consciousness.

Дата: 29.07.2012 04:09 (Прочтено: 1019)
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