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 07.07.2012 06:28

Oracle of the Month. July 2012.

The Fellowship of Isis

Olivia Robertson as the Oracle
Photo © Logic Reality from Olivia, Priestess of Isis

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July 2012
Oracle: The Goddess Isis & the God Osiris
Booklet: Psyche, Magical Journeys of the Goddess
By: Olivia Robertson

Invocation: I invoke Thee, our Beloved Mother, Goddess of the stars. Thou Who art winged Daughter of Nuit of the Milky Way, Who holdeth the Star Sirius in Thy hands, bring us once again the love we enjoyed when we were with Thee, and with those who were our kin! We seek our lost twin souls, separated from us by time and space. As You and Your Divine Brother Osiris are One, may we be One with our own twins in divine reality. May we be granted the Oracle of the God Osiris.

Osiris born again by the Winged Isis
Isis & Osiris by Olivia Robertson

Oracle of Isis: My dear children, you long for that which you possess already! You are always in My heart. Feel My presence in every breeze, in the flowing of water, in sudden flashes of joy. Deep within your hearts is an image of your Immortal Twin. Therefore when I as woman sought for Osiris, yet was He ever in my heart, unknown to Me as I mourned his loss. Learn from the stars! Many are double, some solitary, and others shine in clusters. Yet all form a harmony of love that forms a rainbow network of colour and sound throughout the cosmos. Seek, for seek you must, for ideal love, but in your restless quest do not carelessly tread upon a beetle - He is Kephera Who bears the hidden sun! Pity the anguish of an animal caught in a trap - Anubis suffers in fox form. Poison weeds, and you sear Osiris.

When you learn to recognise the divinity in all beings, your reward will be unexpected! You will find your own spiritual family, your lost twin, your very self. The arduous search, the suffering, the loneliness, form part of the growth of a nobler humanity. To learn the task of that new humanity, turn to My Divine Brother, Osiris!

My daughter, I come to you as a Light from behind you. Face the God Osiris and receive His words!

Oracle of Osiris: The goal is clear, the Judgement imminent. Humanity was given the task of protecting and fostering the development of all species on earth. Instead of protecting, you have exploited the creatures entrusted to your care. What is the courage in killing wild animals with superior weapons! Some of you take pleasure in killing birds, and most of you devour the carcasses of beasts, birds and fish, though your proper food is from grains, nuts and herbs. I am the Green Osiris. Through greed you have polluted the air and springs, rivers and oceans. So you threaten all life on earth. I am the blue Osiris of air and water. You poison your very food with chemicals. I am Osiris of the grain, Who dies at harvest, scatters grain over the earth, and I resurrect in Spring.

Harken well. The patience of the Deities is not forever. We heed the suffering of earth's animals, birds, reptiles and insects, the annihilation of whole species. We deplore the destruction of rain forests. There are those of you who are forming a new humanity and Who heed the Divine Voice. Spread this message. Let humanity change its ways before it is too late. Know that I am Osiris the Judge. I judge the fitness of humanity to remain upon the earth! If it is a choice between mankind and the rest of nature, Nature shall be preserved.

The task of the new humanity will be to heal earth's injuries and restore nature in her beauty. I am Osiris of the Inner Voice of Conscience. My heart is in Abydos, the dwelling-place of Love. As Isis and I are One, be you at one with Nature. So shall you all shine forth like stars.

(c) Olivia Robertson, FOI co-founder
All Rights Reserved
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Sybil, Oracles of the Goddess

The Many Voices of Isis, Oracles of Alchemy

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(The Crossroads Lyceum has provided the Oracle of the Month as a service for all FOI members since 1998 through its website and Yahoo group, and it is now featured here on the Homepage Archive as well.)

Дата: 07.07.2012 06:28 (Прочтено: 1356)
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