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 04.01.2012 15:05

Introduction to the Fellowship of Isis

The Fellowship of Isis


The Fellowship of Isis (FOI) is dedicated to honoring the Goddess in Her many forms. It was founded at Clonegal Castle, Ireland at the Vernal Equinox of 1976. The founders are Olivia Robertson and the late Lawrence and Pamela Durdin-Robertson. The Manifesto sets out the basic principles. The FOI is organized on a democratic basis and all members have equal privileges within it, whether as a single member or part of an FOI center. Membership is free.
The Fellowship of Isis is multi-religious, multi-racial, and multi-cultural. It is dedicated to honoring the religion of all the Goddesses and pantheons throughout the planet. (See Olivia Robertson's note regarding the spiritual affiliation of the FOI.) The Gods are also venerated.

The Goddess is seen as Deity, the Divine Mother of all beings. To read further about the history of the Goddess, please see the lecture given by co-founder Lawrence Durdin Robertson, on The Religion of the Goddess . Thousands of members from various esoteric traditions have joined the Fellowship of Isis from countries throughout the world. Members often blend their own rites with those offered by the Fellowship.

However expressed, all members acknowledge
the divine attributes of the Goddess:
Love, Beauty and Truth.

In August 1993, the Fellowship of Isis was represented at the Parliament of the World's Religions Centennial Session. Olivia Robertson, co-founder of the FOI was invited to attend, along with other appointed FOI delegates. This was the first time that the religion of the Goddess was publicly acknowledged as a world faith at this parliament. Olivia was one of two women and sixteen men who addressed the opening plenary from the platform. She gave the blessings of Isis to the world. You can read more about the Parliament here.

To learn more about the FOI, please also visit the following: Hear and read the various FOI Prayers, written and performed by Olivia Robertson. Members will also be interested in the Perpetual Calendar of the Fellowship of Isis, written by Lawrence Durdin Robertson: Juno Covella, as well as the Call of Isis, written by Olivia Robertson.

There are hundreds of Fellowship centers throughout the world that a member may join in order to network or to further their spiritual training. There are also many who choose to work as solitary members within the Fellowship of Isis. Membership within the FOI provides a means of promoting closer communion between the Goddess and each member, both singly and as part of a larger group.


FOI Societies within the FOI

Дата: 04.01.2012 15:05 (Прочтено: 1318)
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