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17.05.2012 21:58UNESCO

© Global Partnership for Education - HRH Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands, UNESCO Special Envoy on Literacy for Development HRH Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands, UNESCO Special Envoy on Literacy for Development, recently participated in the “All Children Reading” Workshop in Kigali, Rwanda (11-14 March 2012).In a video interview she gave during the workshop, ... More...

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12.05.2012 10:32UNESCO

Languages, with their complex implications for identity, communication, social integration, education and development, are of strategic importance for people and the planet. There is growing awareness that languages play a vital role in development, in ensuring cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, but also in attaining quality education for all and strengthening cooperation, ... More...

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09.05.2012 08:31Theosophy

Greetings. Note: The term "Great White Brotherhood" refers not to race but to the Aura of White Light that surrounds These Immortals, Who have risen from every race and walk of life.


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09.05.2012 08:15UNESCO

UNESCO supports the Global Geopark Network (GGN) and its effort to protect and promote geological sites, while creating new opportunities for sustainable development and education. The conference will foster networking and cooperation between established GGN members and new and aspiring Geoparks from around the world. This is the fifth conference, attracting participants from all over the world. ... More...

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09.05.2012 08:12UNESCO

© Global Partnership for Education - HRH Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands, UNESCO Special Envoy on Literacy for Development HRH Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands, UNESCO Special Envoy on Literacy for Development, recently participated in the “All Children Reading” Workshop in Kigali, Rwanda (11-14 March 2012).In a video interview she gave during the workshop, ... More...

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01.05.2012 14:35Theosophy

Vedic astrology is the divine science of Vedas. Vedas are knowledge that has been obtained by sages from god in the ancient India more than 5 000 years ago. Vedic Astrology is a very helpful tool on your path of life. Jyotish is translated as Light. Indeed, it is a guiding light that helps us outwardly in difficult and tough situations and inwardly, revealing dark corners of our mind. ... More...

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29.04.2012 00:22Theosophy

The teaching of Theosophy is so comprehensive and universal that it is difficult to imagine it has a sequel. But nevertheless this is so. The wisdom of the Mahatmas knows no boundaries; about thirty-five years after the publication of the Secret Doctrine, the new disciples of the White Brotherhood -the Roerich family - set about recording the new teaching, ... More...

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02.04.2012 10:10UNESCO

The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, today called for the protection of the cultural heritage of Syria. ‘Following a number of media reports that Syria’s cultural heritage is threatened by the current conflict, I wish to express my grave concern about possible damage to precious sites and to call upon all those involved in the conflict to ensure ... More...

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31.03.2012 23:29The Fellowship of Isis

Welcome Aset Shemsu to the New Stargate of ISIS-SESHAT, March 2012 Issue. Available by the link: http://www.isis-seshat.com/Download.html More...

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31.03.2012 18:38UNESCO

“The great challenge of the twenty-first century is to ensure sustainable development for all individuals, whether male or female, young or not quite so young; it is to build green growth based on fairer, more equitable, more inclusive green societies,” said UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova at the 14th annual L’OREAL-UNESCO For Women in Science Award ceremony. ... More...

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22.03.2012 11:19UNESCO

On 21 March 1960, police gunned down 69 men and women and children in the South African township of Sharpeville as they demonstrated peacefully against the country’s Apartheid laws. The world has changed since then, but millions still struggle every day against the injustice of racism and discrimination. The International Day for the Elimination of ... More...

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20.02.2012 12:03The Fellowship of Isis

Dear Earthlings! Let long-awaited 2012 becomes for you last solving boundary on the Way to Light! To a clear Victory of Light, LOVE and Good! The Day is coming when the nasty reptilians from our planet will be extorted! Let there will come, at last, comprehension of that occurs today with you! Let the internal spirit and force will help you to overcome ... More...

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20.02.2012 09:38Education

AFFIRMATIONS Affirmations are easily dismissed by some people, yet they can be a very dynamic part of energy production. If you’re not consciously occupied with such positive thoughts, it’s likely that you’re unconsciously engaged in negative ones. At the end of each chapter, you’ll find a few pertinent affirmations. Pick the ones that resonate with what you need most, ... More...

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20.02.2012 07:48The Fellowship of Isis

How to Use the Sacral BOOK of ISIS Victoria PreobRazhenky is a Great Visionary, Mystic, Artist-Cosmist, Musician, Writer and Healer. She is an embodiment of the Divine, Transpersonal, Multidimensional, Supramental Consciousness, and the Great Traveller by the different subtle dimensions of the Universe. She opened for us the Stargate into the Cosmic Mystery of Love: ... More...

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19.02.2012 17:39Theosophy

  “Men cannot all be Occultists, but they can all be Theosophists. Many who have never heard of the Society are Theosophists without knowing it themselves; for the essence of Theosophy is the perfect harmonizing of the divine with the human in man, the adjustment of his godlike qualities and aspirations, ... More...

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