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THE COSMIC RACE OF GODS BY ANA-STASI FENNELL (The Book available for free in English section: BOOKS)

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This book is multidimensional. It is the collection of the best manuscripts, dedicated to the History of Human Civilizations and rebirth of the New Cosmic Race of Gods. Every chapter like a new dimension, individual and independent, but yet interconnected with every next dimension.

The search for the truth has accelerated more and more in the last few years and has now reached a changing point. A new time era is on the way to be born and this is what this book will discuss. You won’t find the biggest truths in a book but deep within your own heart.

So let’s read on and listen to the vibrations of the words and remember who we are and what we are doing here on earth. It’s time to stop believing, it’s time to start Knowing.

We will take a little journey in Time to the very ancient civilization. The One which existed more than 40000 years ago, before Atlantis, before Lemuria. There was a Mysterious Continent: named Hyperborea. It is our Universal Ancient United Cosmic Platform of Vedic, Sacral Culture!

The Universal Culture, which was spread by the entire Universe by the Great Illuminators of Cosmos, originating from Orion and Sirius Stellar Systems. They were the first Visitors of Gaia (Planet Earth), they came back later to develop Lemuria, after all to establish Atlantis, and later, after the giant catastrophe, which happened 13000 years ago, when Atlantis sank in Atlantic Ocean, They returned to revive the 5th Human Race of Homo Sapience, who we are now, and established a Meta-Galactic Complex of Pyramids in Giza, ( and by the whole planet) with the goal to stabilize electro-magnetic fields of Earth, which must serve for the future Quantum Leap into the 4th Dimension, which should happened at the End of Kali-Yuga and the Beginning of the New Cosmic Circle, which last 25920 years.

Well, it is all about our Time! We will start from the very Ancient History and will come step-by-step to the New Cosmic Era, Supramental Consciousness and the Divine Matrix of the Universe.

Our Future deeply connected with Cosmos and the Birth of the 6th Human Race of Homo Spiritus! (Homo Sapience will be transformed into the new updated state, with additional supramental skills and spiritual power: New Human Design for the Starseeded Souls)…

From a state of a sleep to awakening… We stretch and see the world with newly awakened eyes. To become aware of oneself and the outer world is a process.

Spirituality belongs to each and everyone and not to a specific religion. Spirituality spreads over this planet faster than ever. It actually doesn’t spread, because it has always been in every soul, a science and feeling that we don’t need any proof of. Everything is about how far your awakening process is. Every human goes through this process sooner or later.

One cannot “become” spiritual, it is something that one already is and has always been.

Our destiny is to be a galactic civilization, to wake up to full consciousness and that has been taking thousands of years. That is why we need to take a journey to the past, before we will make the quantum leap to our Golden Future.

Spirituality, it is not something weak and dependant from some kind of circumstances. It is the Power of SPIRIT, Unity of Terrestrial and Celestial, Human and Divine in One Capsule of Cosmic Consciousness. It is Alchemical Elixir of Immortality, well known by Initiated of Ancient Egypt and other Great Civilizations.

The Book is available in Esoteric Book Store by the link: www.lulu.com/spotlight/AnaCass

Best wishes, Humanity Healing Community: www.humanityhealing.net

Дата: 26.07.2012 (Прочтено: 1153)
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