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QUANTUM HEALING ARTS INTERNATIONALVIDEO PROGRAMSEmbassy of Peace - 2014 Affiliates Program with Jasmuheen


Embassy of Peace - 2014 Affiliates Program with Jasmuheen

Healing Programs
 jasmuheen, embassy of peace, jasmuheen insights, spirituality, health, happiness, harmony, peace, world peace, positivity, positive global change, Unity

02 Янв 2014 г. на YouTube

EMBASSY OF PEACE - Introduction to our Affiliates Program

Health, a rhythm, and harmony,
plus happiness, the peace, to be,
a way of living, fresh and free,
knowledge, truth, self mastery.
Future science plus ancient wisdoms,
all applied for Grace-filled kingdoms.
To those this calls, we gather and blend,
all that each offers, til reality bends ...
a new way of being that's brighter than bright,
an Earth, seen as Eden, where love leads to light.
If this is your rhythm, your interest, heart call,
then send us an email and come to this ball!
Become an affiliate in our Embassy of Peace
so that all who want this, can join and reap,
all of the blessings plus all of the Grace
that come when we make this service first place!

Email us at jas@jasmuheen.com to find out more!

Дата: 07.01.2014 (Прочтено: 1605)
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