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QUANTUM HEALING ARTS INTERNATIONALVIDEO PROGRAMSThe Divine Heart and Your Song of Joy - Part 3 - Divine Mother Message - through Jasmuheen


The Divine Heart and Your Song of Joy - Part 3 - Divine Mother Message - through Jasmuheen

Educational Programs
 jasmuheen, embassy of peace, jasmuheen insights, spirituality, health, happiness, harmony, peace, world peace, positivity, positive global change

Published jasmuheen на YouTube 23.07.2013

The Divine Heart and Your Song of Joy - Divine Mother Message Part 3 through Jasmuheen - in this video the Divine Feminine shares about the importance of the angels, their music and also the songs of joy and love for humanity and how these have the potential to transform and influence all suffering in our world. Discovering the Garden of Eden through the song of our joy. English with German translation by Margarete Scheipner - recorded live in Germany - 30th June 2013. Link to the complete audio of the above - http://www.jasmuheen.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Audio-Divine-Mother-Message-German-Retreat-29-6-13.mp3

Дата: 24.07.2013 (Прочтено: 1402)
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