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25.12.2018 22:41Cosmic Astrology
Spirit of GAIA

As Christians around the world prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, their “Son of God,” it is an opportune time to consider the metaphysical ideas that are the root and origin of all the allegories about “Sons of God” born of immaculate virgins. The doctrine of immaculate conception relates to the earliest stages of cosmogenesis according to the Esoteric Philosophy. More...

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22.12.2018 00:32Transpersonal Psychology
The Spiral of Evolution

Universal mind, as the collectivity of all the hierarchies of intelligent creative spiritual beings, is the architect of the manifested and differentiated universe during an active manvantaric period. However, when the entire universe is in its Pralaya of inactivity and rest, it is merged into its primordial homogeneous condition. There are no beings ... More...

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20.10.2018 17:16Cosmic Attunement

"When twins get together, it is for some kind of spiritual service work. This is their primary reason for finding each other, because through their union a huge birthing of creative energy is released, to be used for their mission together. More and more twins are incarnated together and coming into union now to help the planet and humanity make a big shift forward in consciousness More...

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26.11.2017 23:13Cosmic Attunement
New Ark of Light

If you have felt that you are in a ‘waiting mode’, disconnected or removed from life, or that you have had a setback, you can take a relaxing breath because with the activation of the New LIGHT CODES via this Attunement, your personal life will never be the same again! The New Cosmic Energies will begin to stream through you, like through the ‘stargate’ ... More...

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04.10.2017 02:18New Publications

New Issue of Noõsphere Magazine is Ready for Overview!!! It is a New 'Scientific Revelation' about Quantum Time continuum, New Earth Dimensions, Mystic Arts in Healing and Self-Rejuvenation...MetaPhysical Art Gallery of Multidimensional realities, Avialble for Your OVERVIEW!!! Enjoy!!! Lots of Love from the Mother Nature Spirit Connection... More...

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03.08.2017 20:41Culture

We are and we embrace people from different backgrounds and all walks of life.
We recognize the necessity of maintaining the integrity and dignity of Human Life in every stage of its existence: from the beginning until the end.
Humanity Healing was started to combine Healing with Spiritual growth to offer a more complete healing to those in need. ... More...

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14.04.2017 16:35New Publications

This New Issue dedicated to the Ancient Cosmic Mysteries of Celebration the Spring Equinox and the ancient spiritual sites aligned to this Cosmic Event. The Cosmic Legends and Ancient Manuscripts witness about the deep connection of our ancestors with the Cosmic Cult of the Sun, Its Spiritual Symbolism and the Meaning in everyday life... More...

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06.03.2017 15:22Metaphysics
Awaken Visions, Unit…

Dear Friend, the True Light-worker and Ambassador of Peace! If you have recognised, even on a subconscious level, that life around you is ‘bubbling‘, chances are that you are feeling the energetic shifts occurring at this current time.

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03.01.2017 22:27New Publications

This current Issue of NOÕS MAG dedicated to the Most Ancient Cosmic Traditions of ChristMas Celebrations, together with the Mother Nature Spirit Connection. The Ancient Vision of Our Ancestors of the Winter Solstice preparations and Its Mission for the Planet Earth. The Issue is decorated with beautiful Art work of the Very Famous English Artist Josephine Wall. More...

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28.10.2016 15:59New Publications

The New Issue of Art Mag NOÕSPHÉRE is dedicated to Celebration of Golden Autumn in all its brightest spectrum of Mystic Arts, Painting and Inspirational Articles, dedicated to the Ancient Mysterious Cult of Mother Nature and Sacred Earth (GAIA), as well as, to the Divine Feminine Universal Expansion in All 'Her' Beauté... More...

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06.07.2016 20:35Cosmic Attunement
The New Earth INVISION

There are only lessons to be learnt in life as we progress forward in this infinite odyssey of exploring consciousness in all it's colourful numerosity in all kinds of shapes, sizes, dimensions and infinite other ways we may not have words to describe yet ... More...

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28.04.2016 21:49Spiritual Message

Being of service is merely being in flow with the Universe. The quickest way to fall into flow with The Universe is to allow it to use you.Anything any human has done you can do too. This is not to say that you are intended to do what they did in the way they did it, but it means that the same potential that exists in them also exists in you.

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22.04.2016 18:27Cosmic Astrology

April 22nd UT 2016 at 21° Aries Venus, the goddess of beauty and love, will conjunct Uranus, the liberator. Although this is a fast moving aspect, it is a very interesting and important one, especially since Mars, Venus’ counterpart, is now retrograde and Venus is in his sign, Aries. This dynamic puts both into play and their fascinating polarity will yet again be a reality in our lives. ... More...

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11.04.2016 08:51Transpersonal Psychology
Human Archetypes

Quinte-ssentially, archetypes are about relationship. They are the connectiveness for the way things evolve, grow, relate, and become more complex, until they are integrated into the essence of Ultimate Universal Consciousness…(Top level Simplicity - as Universal Unity) More...

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28.03.2016 19:58Healing Arts

All our Universe is Created by the Supreme Principles of Universal Balance and Prosperity. Every element of Being is nothing else, but a pure ‘reflection’ of the Supramental Divine-Cosmic Hologram of Universal Consciousness (Expanded form of Intelligency ) More...

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