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PEACE PATH 11 – PRANIC LIVING – Jasmuheen for the Embassy of Peace

Educational Programs
 jasmuheen, pathways of peace, peace paths, prana, blessings, gratitude, happiness, harmony, new beginnings, hope, life, unity, meditation, spirituality

Жизнь на Космической Энергии (Пране) - это новая ступень в Эволюции Земли и Программе Холистического Образа Жизни, это настройка всех четырех основных тел (физического, эмоционального, ментального и духовного) на Духовный Резонанс с Вашей Божественной Сущностью и Ее Самораскрытие!

Данное Видео на Английском Языке, и если ваш уровень английского не позволяет вам понять все слова, пожалуйста не расстраивайтесь - главное это воспринять поток световых и звуковых вибраций, которые легко проникают в ваше подсознание и автоматически совершают настройку на Духовный Резонанс всех ваших тел с Вашей Божественной Сущностью!

Данное Видео записано Послом Доброй Воли и Мира Джасмухин для Космической Академии Самосовершенствования и Духовной Реализации. (Посольство Мира) И предназначено для индивидуального использования.

Всех Благ, Patricia Cass..

Загружено 19.04.2011

PRANIC LIVING is Path 11 in the new Pathways of Peace series of 12 Peace Paths with Ambassador of Peace Jasmuheen. This video contains insights, poem and pragmatic exercises. Created for the Embassy of Peace personal and global harmonization program. More can be found on the Paths of Peace at http://www.jasmuheen.com/htm/training.asp#peace-paths-audio-course. While we offer it freely on our YouTube channel, you may wish to support our work by downloading this from iTunes so that you can listen to it and apply the pragmatics wherever you are and thus aid in the creation of permanent peace in our world. http://youtube.com/jasmuheen; these 12 paths will also soon be available on CD and DVD and as podcasts.

In The Dreaming ...

"Finally the human heart is determining its own course of evolution and the purity contained within each heart is fulfilling our common desire for peace and true civility. Finally the paradigm of one harmonious people united in compassionate action is one that has become so much more real. We may be few but the strength does not lie in numbers.

"While two thirds of Earth's people struggle to survive still they dream of better times and better ways of being, of better worlds for those they love and in the dreaming we unite. It is in the dreaming that the seeds of change are born and we with power, those who no longer struggle as much, can water the garden of hope, until its fruit is known."


Breatharian – a Breather of God

The German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer said: "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Schopenhauer, like myself, was a student of the Vedas, from which the very first information about prana has come. Prana is the energy behind the breath, it is also the energy that allows the divine to dance so evidently within the universe.

The force that loves us enough to give us life is not only loving and wise but it is also the most powerful resource of transformation that any being has access to. It can instantly transform our world if we open the inner plane doors to its well and ask to receive all its gifts and of this I have no doubt. There is no other resource that can do this, that can create the harmonics of unification and peace that many seek and yet this must be experienced to be believed; it is the one energy flow that unifies us all into a common frequency where all hungers disappear, it is the one energy that holds the keys to resolution to all the conflict in our world, no matter how insurmountable the problem may appear.

Nourishment from chi, prana, the universal life force happens as a direct response to our desire for it and as a natural response to our vibration. When we consciously tune ourselves to the Madonna Frequency and It's Channel of Divine Love and Wisdom, miracles happen!

The ability to live on light is directly related to our ability to attract, absorb and radiate Divine Love which is determined by our lifestyle. It really is that simple! When our personal energy field is well tuned and we are four body fit, we can access DOW Power which has the ability to love us, guide us, heal us and also nourish our cells and not just our souls.


Дата: 04.05.2013 (Прочтено: 1128)
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