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 02.07.2012 14:14

Some Practices of the Temple of Isis

The Fellowship of Isis

Some Practices of the Temple of Isis

The Temple of Isis believes in moderation in all things. Those that overdo anything are off balance and the achievement of balance is to be practiced. Often meditation methods are helpful in this regard. We believe that humans should try to find out who they are. The concept of Know Thyself, Know Thy Soul, Know Thy Heart, and Know Thy Purpose as was written on the Temple walls in ancient Egypt is most important. To focus on these precepts one should sit quietly, and comfortably before an altar of their making. Have something to represent air, fire, water, and earth on the altar. A statue of the Goddess Isis and any other diety one wishes adds much power. Begin by being aware of your breath. As you breathe in and out silently use these words . . . Breath in.. ³Inner Sanctum² between ³of² breathe out infinate space. In this way you will surely meet the Goddess if that is your intention.

The Temple practices magic using rituals of ancient Egypt which are taught in our gatherings on Sunday afternoons. These have amazing properties of manifestation.

Neter Yoga is another practice we adher to. One needs to understand the properties of the various Neters or Gods and Goddesses of Egypt and take the stance that seems to incorporate their attributes which correspond often to East Indian Yoga poses which was learned from the Ancient Egyptians by this culture. These can be done also in water and are helpful in keeping the body subtle.

We observe the moon and have ceremony on full moons. We feel that a lunar calendar is the best one to follow and that the earth is off balance the way it is now. By living more intimately with the phases of the moon we are more in tune with the planet.

We worship nature, and observe all the the gifts bestowed on the planet. We have an appreciation of the beauty that has been provided to us humans and take the time to know what makes each animal, bird, or plant happy and content. We promote the studies of horticulture and zoology and at the Temple of Isis often show films dealing with these subjects on the large screen in the theatre.

We continually observe the 42 laws of Maat and attempt to live by them as the ancient Egyptians did. These laws were the glue that kept the Egyptian civilization together for so many thousands of years.

We utilize statuary on our altars believing that we can instill a certain quality into these sculptures that will ultimately be useful in our prayers and requests for healing. We at theTemple of Isis have a great many marvelous altar pieces for all occasions. We believe in beautiful things and keeping the ancient Egyptian culture alive in this modern world. Our tomb room is available for special meditation in the sarcophagus.

In the morning we greet the sun as it rises in the East by chanting Ra as we face the place where the sun is, eyes closed and stretch our arms toward this golden orb. In the evening we greet the moon by chanting Ah as we bring the energy of this lunar disk into our hearts.

We keep candles burning eternally in our Temple which is open at all times to anyone who is passing.

We hope you will come and visit the Temple of Isis soon.


Дата: 02.07.2012 14:14 (Прочтено: 1126)
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